2020-12-18 1:00 PM
Following the recent and exciting announcement that ST and Microsoft are teaming up to ensure the integration of Azure RTOS in the STM32Cube environment, we feel like it is time to share more details directly with our community of developers.
While STM32Cube has now been around for a while and has contributed to the success of the STM32 series of MCUs in no small part, we still have many items to cover in our roadmap and we are still working hard to ensure its continuous improvement.
One such item was to address some weaknesses in our middleware offer and ensure our customers can get access to one of the best offers available in the market while still enjoying the business-friendly terms and ease-of-use STM32Cube offered from the beginning.
Azure RTOS being professional grade, highly reliable and market proven, as well as the only free OS for embedded systems that comes with that many certifications, both for safety (IEC 61508 SIL 4, ISO 26262 ASIL D, IEC 62304 Medical Class C), and security (EAL4+, FIPS 140-2), we concluded that it is complementing STM32Cube perfectly to achieve our goals.
We are happy to let you know that STM32 users can now freely enjoy everything Azure RTOS has to offer while ST is currently working on ensuring its full and qualitative integration in STM32Cube. In this case, full integration for example means that Azure RTOS will be directly usable and configurable in projects created with our well-known STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE software tools.
On top of that, we will provide many applicative examples running out-of-the-box on STM32 boards to reduce the learning curve and ensure it is quick and easy to get started with Azure RTOS and STM32 MCUs.
We will deploy Azure RTOS progressively throughout 2021 for a set of existing STM32 series in the form of STM32Cube Expansion packages enhanced for ST toolset, while all the upcoming STM32 series will benefit from a native integration of the MW suite in their respective STM32Cube MCU packages.
For more detailed information, including the delivery planning per STM32 series, you can refer to the following presentation and blog post.
To follow up on the successful webinar of December 15th presenting our future offer for the first time and teasing a first release of a beta STM32Cube Expansion package supporting the STM32H7 series (X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7), we are glad to announce that the latter has successfully been made publicly available on GitHub today.
While there are of course some limitations linked to its beta status, like for example not being usable yet with STM32CubeMX, please do not hesitate to take a look at it to get a first idea of what is to come early next year.
We are eager to hear your feedback and make sure we can fine-tune the offer as much as possible before the official release.
This beta delivery is only the first milestone of this exciting journey, and we will add many features and resources in Q1 2021 as we execute the early steps of our roadmap.
Stay tuned!
2020-12-19 10:45 PM
Has there been a target date set for Azure RTOS to be integrated with STM32MP1x? Would there be an option for full STM32MP1 using Azure RTOS as an alternate to OpenSTLinux? It would be a great option for commercial license options over Linux.
2021-01-13 11:05 AM
STM32MP1 support is not in immediate plans, ST will study market feedback during the upcoming period.
2021-01-21 7:37 AM
Which week is the launch of the first version of STM32CubeMX with Azure RTOS planned?
2021-05-25 11:01 AM
In the presentation you said that the port for STM32F4 will be ready in 2021 Q2, do you have some news about it ?
2021-05-27 4:37 AM
Hello @HSant.1 ,
21Q2 is not yet finished. I will check about the planning of AzureRTOS deployment and if there is any need to update the presentation.
BeST Regards,
2021-07-23 7:37 AM
It's now available for STM32U5 in STM32CubeMX V6.3.0.
You might also add STM32H7 support with X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7.
See https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/ecosystems/stm32cube-ecosystem.html and https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/sales_and_marketing/presentation/product_presentation/group1/5b/4f/89/bf/8f/18/4e/83/Microcontrollers_STM32Cube_AzureRTOS/files/Microcontrollers_STM32Cube_AzureRTOS.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.Microcontrollers_STM32Cube_AzureRTOS.pdf
2021-07-29 1:48 AM
21Q2 finished. Any update?
2021-07-29 5:29 AM
They changed the release date to 21Q3 :