Hello @MRey.1 ,you can refer to the following example provided under the F4 Firmware Package:Path: Firmware\Projects\STM32469I-Discovery\Applications\USB_Host\MSC_RTOSI hope this helps.BeST Regards,Walid
Hello @Furkan Yüksel ,You can refer to the following example provided under the H7 Firmware Package:Path: Firmware\Projects\STM32H745I-DISCO\Examples\GPIO\GPIO_EXTIOtherwise, make sure you are not in the simulator debugger mode and take a look at th...
Hello @MMurr.2 ,You must enable the ADC interrupt mode and configure the NVIC.In addition, you must use this HAL_ADC_Start_IT() function to start the conversion of a regular group with interrupt. The interrupts enabled in this function according to ...
Hello,We have updated the BSP drivers to support the new GDEY0213B74 E-paper display component.Here is the link to the BSP example that supports both E-paper display components (DEY0213B74 and GDE021A1):https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube...