2022-05-27 8:50 AM
I have some, maybe senseless, questions about X-CUBE-AZRTOS and it's applications. I have downloaded and checked this firmware, and also examples.
Here my questions:
1 - Since Low-level driver interface handles connection between NeX Duo Core and Hardware Ethernet, Cellular or Wifi, should I write a low level driver for third party Wifi modules or GSM Modules?
2 - I couldn't get what protocol is used to Azure IoT hub on 32L496GDISCOVERY Azure Cloud Application. Is it an HTTPS connection?
Thanks for your help, in advance.
2022-06-03 2:16 AM
Are you talking of X-CUBE-AZRTOS or X-CUBE-AZURE ?
X-CUBE-AZRTOS provides a port of Azure RTOS and other related components to "old" versions of STM32 lines. But there is no project example for Azure Iot Cloud access.
X-CUBE-AZURE provides project examples to connect to Azure Cloud IoT service. Current version is a little bit outdated. It is based on FreeRTOS/LwIP/mbedTLS and an old Azure IoT SDK. It uses MQTT protocol to access IoT hub (plus TLS layer for network security).
In X-CUBE-AZURE there are drivers for each physical interface selected for each board supported. On 32L496DISCOVERY it is a cellular modem (on a extension daughter board connected to PMOD+ port).
Depending on the board/network interface there are some example of network drivers but if you select your own, you have to develop the driver for it.
It all depends on your architecture choices: which STM32 board, which network interface, which RTOS+network stack.