User Activity

Hello,I have some, maybe senseless, questions about X-CUBE-AZRTOS and it's applications. I have downloaded and checked this firmware, and also examples.Here my questions:1 - Since Low-level driver interface handles connection between NeX Duo Core and...
I am trying to install STM32CubeProgrammer v2.8.0 on my Windows10 (Home x64) computer. I have updated my Java version to 8.301 (64-bit). However, installation process doesn't go further than Step 7 out of 8. There's no "Next" button or something, b...
Hello,I've been using STM32F051C8 on some of my projects and I recently realised that, my ADC is not converting accurately. I connected my Vdda to Vdd, that is 3,3VDC and tried conversation routine below.Here is the initialisation: Single Channel con...
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