2019-12-11 7:50 AM
i have a problem. I cant write any values into ADC12 common configuration register CCR. It is not possible if ADCs are disabled (as recomended in ref.man.) either they are enabled. I tried to change it using LL functions or CMSIS registers access (ADC12_COMMON->CCR = .... ) and both methods are not success.
Do you have any advice?
Tahnk you so much.
2019-12-11 8:07 AM
Either in SFRs view it is not possible to change them as in another registers.
2019-12-22 7:13 AM
I seem to recall finding address errors in the .svd file for the common registers. I don't have my notes handy at the moment, but try comparing the debugger's address for the registers with those of the data sheet. Good luck!
2019-12-22 6:44 PM
Notes located:
ADC12_Common is 0x50000200 in .svd, should be 0x50000300
ADC5 is 0x50000600 in .svd, should be 0x50000200
Please verify before using.
2020-01-08 6:50 AM
I dont know which files i should compare, but nevermind.
I can confirm, that this issue is caused only by debugger problems, dual DMA transfer is working properly.
Thank you for your advice, in case i need debug this, i will check .svd file.
Best regards,