2020-09-19 8:06 PM
I used STM32CubeMX 6.0.1 to create a project with features as FreeRTOS, HAL( Systick based on TIM1), USBHost, UART, SPI, I2C, I2S and GPIO etc. The empty framework project compiled by EWARM v8.30.1.17148, reporting nodefinition of CPU_SR_ALLOC(), CPU_CRITICAL_ENTER(), CPU_CRITICAL_EXIT(), OSIntEnter() and OSIntExit. After define these macros to empty, the project linked OK. when I debug the program, it crashed in HAL_Init() - the first line of main(), caused by enabling interrupt.
All of used hardware, like object board, J-link, IDE and other tools are qualified and verifyed.
Please help to find out wrong settings and correct !