2024-06-11 2:10 AM
I am just getting started with learning about motor control
and identified one motor driver development board X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1
im wondering if this is compatible with the STM32F411E-DISCO development board
or do i need to buy a dedicated development board that is compatible with the X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1
thinking of using a small bldc motor that i got from a friend
wondering what all motor specifications I need to check before connecting a motor to the X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1
2024-06-11 3:05 AM
Depends what you mean by, "compatible" ?
As the Product Page says - https://www.st.com/en/ecosystems/x-nucleo-ihm07m1.html - it is designed to fit onto the Morpho connectors found on Nucleo boards.
The STM32F411E-DISCO doesn't have those, so it won't be a simple plug-and-play - you will have to work out the required connections, and make them manually yourself.
This probably also means that there won't be any ready-to-go examples - you will have to adapt from other examples yourself.
So the question is really, do you want to focus on motor control, or do you want to also have to work out all this other stuff ... ?
2024-06-13 1:37 AM
I guess i will just buy a NUCLEO-F302R8 :)
mainly looking for an out of the box demo to get started
any thoughts on what all motor specifications I need to check before connecting a motor to the X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1 ?
2024-06-13 1:45 AM
@eddy_c wrote:I guess i will just buy a NUCLEO-F302R8 :)
mainly looking for an out of the box demo to get started
Then that's probably the best approach.
I think that answers the question of this thread - so please mark a solution.
@eddy_c wrote:any thoughts on what all motor specifications I need to check before connecting a motor to the X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1 ?
That's a new question, so best to start a new thread for it - and probably best to do that in the Motor Control section.
Please give a link here to your new thread, so that people can find it.