2020-07-07 7:00 AM
Hello, I try flashing an STM32L451 MCU through bootloader with CAN port (proprietary board without other external access). I'm using Cube Programmer v2.4.0 with STLinkV3set used as CAN bridge, together with an external CAN transceiver (TCAN332). Despite many attemps with different settings, it's not possible to connect with MCU with CAN port. I don't even see any CAN frame on C_TX/C_RX signal. Cube Programmer always displays following message: "Error: ST-LINK error (BRG_NO_STLINK)". Does anyone knows the meaning of this error?
By the way I updated the STlinkV3 prior to try connecting (version is now V3J5M2B3S1) and the STlinkV3 works perfectly when using direct SWD access.
2020-07-08 2:08 AM
src/bridge/bridge.cpp: return BRG_NO_STLINK;
src/bridge/bridge.cpp: * @retval #BRG_NO_STLINK If Brg::OpenStlink() not called before
Did you call Brg::OpenStlink() before?
2020-07-08 2:45 AM
Hello Uwe,
Thanks for your answer. I already seen this piece of code somewhere on a GitHub project on the Web, but I'm not sure it belongs to Cube Programmer application.
On Cube Programmer we have no access to the function calls, only to a "Connect" button...
2020-11-19 6:14 AM
Could you solve your problem? I've the same problem.