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What changes need to done in migrating from SWD to JTAG debugging on STM32H745I-DISCO?

Associate II

I am using STM32H745I-DISCO board and STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0. I am presently using on board ST-Link in SWD to program and debug the MCU. Now I want to use JTAG debugging using J-Link.

What changes need to be done to make my project compatible to JTAG debugging. Is any change required in my application code or only some project settings need to be changed?

Please provide any reference document for the same.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Do you want JTAG mode only to use J-LINK? J-LINK works fine in SWD mode too.

>  Is any change required in my application code or only some project settings need to be changed?

Yes, JTAG mode uses a few more pins than SWD (some pins are shared between SWD and JTAG interfaces but named differently).

Just select the desired mode in the Cube, and it will show the pin assignment.

The point of this would be what exacty?

Pull a schematic and confirm if a full set of pins is wired up, and accessible.

Check that the Tag-Connect, or whatever, exposes the pins you need to connect with.

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> Do you want JTAG mode only to use J-LINK? J-LINK works fine in SWD mode too

Yes, I have checked debugging my project using SWD. Now I want to check if debugging with JTAG is working properly or not.

> JTAG mode uses a few more pins than SWD (some pins are shared between SWD and JTAG interfaces but named differently).

Ok, I will check JTAG debugging by making the changes in Cube.


Actually, I have checked debugging my project using SWD. Now I want to check if debugging with JTAG is working properly or not.

I hope other than assigning the pins for JTAG in debug section of Cube, no other change is required.

Ultimately gets to be a pin issue.

Could check also via connectivity methods in STM32 Cube Programmer. ​

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