2018-02-05 8:00 AM
i swapped my first STM32F407G-DISC1 discovery board for a new one and now the ST-Link onboard doesnt show up as a virtual com port in Windows 10 anymore.
I flashed the St-Link with the new firmware, it runs V2.J30.S0 STM32 Debugger now.
I also installed the current Windows driver from
.Now i read the DISCOVERY boards dont all have the virtual com, but in
it says that my order code should have it (on my PCB is a silk print next to the USB connector that says 'STM32F407G-DISC1).Can it be that the silkscreen board code doesnt correspond to the 'order code' which is mentioned on the above website?
Please help since i really need the virtual COM port.
#st-link-v2-1 #stm32f746-discovery #stm32f42018-02-12 2:46 AM
On both my boards are
2018-02-12 3:11 AM
ST-LINK MCI is capable to run st-link v2-1 I guess.
Could you share what reports the st-link utility when the V2J30S0 firmware is connected
2018-02-12 9:30 AM
17:28:39 : ST-LINK SN : 066FFF535748775187133407
17:28:39 : ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J30S017:28:39 : Connected via SWD.17:28:39 : SWD Frequency = 4,0 MHz.17:28:39 : Connection mode : HotPlug.17:28:39 : Debug in Low Power mode enabled.17:28:39 : Device ID:0x413 17:28:39 : Device flash Size : 1MBytes17:28:39 : Device family :STM32F405xx/F407xx/F415xx/F417xx2018-02-12 9:36 AM
When you enter ST-LINK->Firmware Update' - does it show the the upgrade is possible?
Is this brand new board?