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supply power from Nucleo STM32G4


Good morning.

I am wiling to use the STM32G4 Nucleo-32 board (MB1430) board for an analog to CAN use.


I would like to know if I could power up my 10 5V sensors. so i would like to know if I can use the +5V of my board and the current capacity of it to power up my sensors.


Capture d’écran 2024-11-14 à 11.46.30.png

My other question would be around the power supply of the board, It seems logical to use 7V and 800 mA to power it up so I will have as much power possible to use my 5V for my sensors. Is it the correct way to think?

Capture d’écran 2024-11-14 à 11.21.44.png

I would also like to know if i Have a 14 Volt battery, if I can directly put 2 boards in serial, the regulator inside of them making always sure that the tension is stable even if there is current variation in the circuit.


@Jad wrote:

 power up all my sensors from my MCU.

Note that the MCU (the microcontroller) is just the STM32 chip - not the Nucleo board.

So far, we've been addressing powering your sensors from the Nucleo board.

Powering your sensors from the STM32 itself is another question ...

excuse me, I was using the term MCU but I meant Nucleo Board, for me the chip can't power 11 sensor. I wanted to use the regulators of my Nucleo board to power up my sensors. this would save me getting more regulators to my circuit.

@mƎALLEm wrote:

What do you mean by that?

@Jad wrote:

 I put 2 boards in serial. 

I think it's better to plot a sketch 

Indeed. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!

This is particularly true in engineering (including electronics), where trying to describe systems in text alone is difficult at the best of times - and even worse when there's a language barrier.

I'm guessing that "2 boards in serial" means that they are wired in series across the 14V supply:


I don't think that will work: the 7V just specifies the the voltage applied to the board's input - it does not mean that the board will drop a constant 7V!

This can be seen by the fact that the board can be supplied with up to 12V - see Table 5 again.

And that's before you consider the issues that the 2 boards will have different GND potentials ...

@Andrew Neil wrote:

And that's before you consider the issues that the 2 boards will have different GND potentials ...

Mostly when there are some links between the boards, GPIOs connection, communication .. etc 

I should not recommend that kind of power structure. 

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ok, I do understand the issue of having two nucleos in series. I wanted to do this to use the least current possible from my battery, but now I guess the best thing to do is to connect all my Nucleos in parallel. For the calculation of the MCU power consumption, can't I have any information on it before testing it in real life with the jumpers? knowing this would permit me to know how much I have left for my sensors. Thank you again for the help

There should be current consumption details in the datasheet.

This is what you are trying to do: 


The current i depends on the loads on regulator 1 (reg1) and regulator 2 (reg2) outputs i.e. i1 and i2. Suppose i2 changes, i changes and risks to disturb the current on reg 1 output (i1) and vice versa.. -> risk of bad regulation.

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