2021-05-25 11:38 PM
I debuged my software on the STM32F722ZE, when I suddenly lost connection to it. I tried to connect to it with ST-Link V2 and Segger J-Link.
Error message from J-Link commander is: Can not attach to CPU. Trying connect under reset. Connecting to CPU via connect under reset failed.
Error message from ST-Link V2: Error finishing flash operation. Failed to erase memoy.
See picture: I then took a look at the config with CubeProgrammer:
How is it possible to have 0xFF as RDP Byte?
Write protection is not active are all checked.
When I try to perform a mass erase I get Error: Mass erase operation failed.
How can I recover from this? Is it possible that I locked myself our by acciedent? I would say it is rather unlikely to do this while debugging. What else could have happend?
Thank you in advance for every answer.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-03-07 4:53 AM
Did you solve the problem? I have similir problem
IDE: STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.8.0
GUI: TouchGFX Version: 4.18.1
2022-03-07 5:48 AM
I am sorry I could not solve it.
2022-03-07 6:22 AM
Have ST teams done any work on this issue? @Imen DAHMEN @Houda GHABRI I have this like problem.
2022-03-07 6:52 AM
Hi ,
I already check this issue and we are not able to reproduce it , The mass erase is done correctly in STM32F722ZE ST board.
Let's check again if we have the same scenario :
2022-03-07 6:56 AM
Hi @Houda GHABRI ,
I have problem with external Flash Erase.
You can see detail below post.
2022-03-08 7:51 AM
There was a report last week of the Mass Erase timing out after 3 or 5 minutes, don't recall which, but arbitrarily, on a device with a max timeout for that operation perhaps up to 10 minutes.
I'll see if I can find a cite/link
But either way, Cube Programmer doesn't look to have any contextual understanding of what different device expectations should be, or getting any progress reporting.
2022-04-02 1:58 PM
I currently face this issue with my stm32h745i disco. External flash cant be erased. Is there any fix for this?
2022-04-02 5:06 PM
>>I currently face this issue with my stm32h745i disco. External flash cant be erased. Is there any fix for this?
Which One? This thread has veered off topic, please open a NEW thread stating your exact issue, with supporting error messages and screen shots. Perhaps with Logs at Level 3.
The external loader should be able to erase the QSPI memory.
Make sure you're using the most current version of STM32Cube Programmer, and selected the correct external loader
>>Is there any fix for this?
You could erase the QSPI from your own application, and measure the time it takes.
2022-05-18 7:27 AM
Did you solve the problem? I have similir problem:face_with_tears_of_joy:
2022-05-19 6:42 PM
Dear Lep,
I never face to this problem.
If you can provide a failure system to me then I can help to solve it.
Thanks & best regards !