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Hello, I want to use ADC1 with 5 Channels, ADC2 with 2 Channels and ADC3 with 1 Channel. I configured everything for triple Mode. After I started ADC2 and ADC3 do I start ADC1 like this.Is NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS supposed to be 8 in my case? retVal = HAL_...
***update in the comments***This is what I want to do: Use ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3 each with multiple channels. I want to trigger them with a timer. Definition of the buffers: volatile uint32_t gValueArrayADC1[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]={11,12}; volatile uint32...
I debuged my software on the STM32F722ZE, when I suddenly lost connection to it. I tried to connect to it with ST-Link V2 and Segger J-Link. Error message from J-Link commander is: Can not attach to CPU. Trying connect under reset. Connecting to CPU ...