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stlink v3 work with stm32f411 mcus

Associate II

Hi there.ive recently made my own circuit board which and I having trouble getting the stlink v3 to detect my f411 mcu. I've checked my oscilloscope and I can see the swd, swclk , and reset lines being driven by the programmer but I'm unable to get the cubeide to detect my mcu. The power rail is also clean too.

Is there a compatibility chart for the stlink v3 somewhere please? I'm using the mini version.



Yes, ST-LINK/V3 will work with any of the STM32, you might have to drop the connection rate as the V3 can clock faster than CM0(+)

For F411, make sure VCAP capacitors and voltages are correct. The VDDA is powered, as this deals with the POR and PLL too, not just ADC/DAC

Check state of NRST

Check part orientation

Test with STM32 Cube Programmer, first

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Associate II

Cheers for the confirmation! I'll have a look. I have taken a capture of the SWD lines here. 0693W00000KbaHWQAZ.bmp

Associate II

0693W00000KbaI5QAJ.bmpI've lowered the speeds. For some reason, there's an ACK failure after the turnaround. I'll have a look at your suggestions. Thanks

Associate II


All of the required caps and voltages are connect too

Associate II

Is it required that I connect VBAT to VDD?

What voltage do you measure at VCAP1 ?

VREF+ should be connected to VDDA

Data Sheet:

 If VREF+ pin is present, it must respect the following condition: VDDA-VREF+ < 1.2 V

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Associate II

Thank you! The problem was with the vref pin not being connected!!!​


> Is it required that I connect VBAT to VDD?

Not required, but recommended.


Also see STM32F4 design guide here:

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Associate II

Could somebody please explain why vref needs connecting (or needs respecting VDDA-VREF+ < 1.2 V) in order for my MCU to work? From what I can gather, vref is only for the ADC component.
