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STEVAL-STWINBX1 datalogger - bricked board since flashing with Segger J-Link


I am using the STEVAL-STWINBX1 development board and have downloaded the FP-SNS-DATALOG2 software.

I have a Segger J-Link Base and tried to flash the software to the board using STM32Cube IDE, but the flashing failed and now the board has stopped working.

During the flashing procedure, I got the following warning which I clicked yes to...


And now I get the following error...


The board is connected to the battery and also USB to the PC as well as the Segger J-Link.

The power LED is flashing at about 4Hz, but the other LEDs are off.

I cannot even get the board to start in DFU mode (by holding the reset button whilst connecting the board to the USB lead).

And I cannot connect to the board using STM32Cube Programmer.

How can I get the board working again ?






I managed to get the BLEDfFw on bank 2 working again.

I downloaded the latest version of STM32Cube Programmer which has a J-Link device (the older version I was using did not have a J-Link device).

I then swapped banks and now BLEDfFw on bank 2 is running.

However, when I try to debug the FP-SNS-DATALOG2 software using the Segger J-Link Base and STM32Cube IDE, it stops working again.

How do I debug the software (I want to be able to step through the code)?