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ST-LINK V3 and STM32L051 won't connect under Reset

Associate II

Hi all,

I recently experienced some interesting Issue when trying to programm a STM32L051C8T6 via ST-Link V3. (Using the SWD header of the MB1440B-Board)

When I tried to connect to the controller in CubeProgrammer I found that it would not work when selecting Mode: Connect under Reset. (Result is: DEV_CONNECT_ERR)

However The ST-Link V3 is able to establish a connection in the following constellations:

Mode: Normal; Reset Mode: Software Reset

Mode: Hot Plug; Reset Mode:Hardware/Software Reset

To check if there is sth. I did wrong with the wiring I took the old ST-Link V2.1 from my Nucleo-H743ZI finding that it would connect to the L051 in any constellation.

After that i checked on the ST-Link V3 by connecting it to the H743ZI and some F103 Bluepill which it did at the first try.

So I was wondering if somebody got some similar issue or if there is some problem with that constellation ST-Link V3+L051 I am not aware of?




Ease back on the connection speed. The CM0 typically won't sustain 24 MHz, but probably 2 or 4 MHz

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since both are original ST MCUs and in fact it does connect under certain circumstances that doesn't really help


this also came up to my mind and I tried all the speeds available in CubeProgrammer giving the same result.

Andreas Bolsch
Lead II

Your L051 is powered properly, not accidentally via NRST's protection diode? 100nF cap on NRST as suggested?