2020-11-27 7:16 AM
Hi all,
I recently experienced some interesting Issue when trying to programm a STM32L051C8T6 via ST-Link V3. (Using the SWD header of the MB1440B-Board)
When I tried to connect to the controller in CubeProgrammer I found that it would not work when selecting Mode: Connect under Reset. (Result is: DEV_CONNECT_ERR)
However The ST-Link V3 is able to establish a connection in the following constellations:
Mode: Normal; Reset Mode: Software Reset
Mode: Hot Plug; Reset Mode:Hardware/Software Reset
To check if there is sth. I did wrong with the wiring I took the old ST-Link V2.1 from my Nucleo-H743ZI finding that it would connect to the L051 in any constellation.
After that i checked on the ST-Link V3 by connecting it to the H743ZI and some F103 Bluepill which it did at the first try.
So I was wondering if somebody got some similar issue or if there is some problem with that constellation ST-Link V3+L051 I am not aware of?
2020-11-27 8:47 AM
2020-11-27 8:59 AM
Ease back on the connection speed. The CM0 typically won't sustain 24 MHz, but probably 2 or 4 MHz
2020-11-27 9:02 AM
since both are original ST MCUs and in fact it does connect under certain circumstances that doesn't really help
2020-11-27 9:05 AM
this also came up to my mind and I tried all the speeds available in CubeProgrammer giving the same result.
2020-11-27 3:14 PM
Your L051 is powered properly, not accidentally via NRST's protection diode? 100nF cap on NRST as suggested?