2022-01-29 2:22 AM
i have bought 3 pcs of STM32L053 Discovery kits and the user USB is working fine with preload demo, but the ST-LINK USB connects to PC as USB Composite Device even if i have download and install the last ST-Link drivers from st.com. I have tried different ports, different cables, also tried reboot computer, reinstall drivers and unfortunatelly nothing helps. Tried all 3 boards and all behave the same.
Other Nucleos (F401, L452, ...) and Discovery boards (L152) are working properly and without any problems.
I kinda desprate.
Thanks for help.
2022-01-29 4:26 AM
I have no specific advice, but composite device is nothing bad. When using USB Device Tree Viewer with a working board/driver one gets a composite device with 3 child devices:
Do the USB VID/PID differ?
2022-01-29 4:31 AM
I get only USB composite device with yellow triangle and no other device appears. ST-Link utility does not see the ST-Link etc.
2022-01-29 4:59 AM
Check different cables, check on different ports, check on different PCs.
2022-01-29 5:33 AM
@Uwe Bonnes I have already tried different cables, ports and computers. Nothing helped. :\
2022-01-31 7:13 AM
Hello @Toximik and welcome to the Community :)
Check that the setup of the jumper is correct.
Try to follow this FAQ: USB device not recognized
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best.
2022-01-31 9:54 AM
Hi @Imen DAHMEN,
Setup of jumpers is correct and I don't thing, that any jumper on STM32L053 board have any impact on link between ST-Link and computer.
FAQ is not related to my problem, because I don't have problem with my program, but with the program inside ST-Link chip (STM32F103xx), which doesn't connect to the PC.