2021-07-15 8:34 AM
I want to copy-paste ST-Link implementation from a Nucleo or Discovery board to my customer board with STM32H7 processor. This way, the board will have one USB connector to use for programming, debugging, upgrading, and finally, for serial communication with the main processor.
The problem is ST-Link firmware, which is not officially available.
I would like to avoid reverse engineering and the like, seeking for very simple and straightforward solution. Ideally, I would like to buy STM32F1 processors with ST-Link firmware preprogrammed; however, this option seems not available.
If anybody explored this idea, please share your findings.
2021-07-15 8:40 AM
ST's envisioned solution to this is the ST-LINK/V3MOD
The pre-programmed chip makes more sense, but clearly some licensing or IP related road-blocks
I think Segger has offered chip level solutions in the past, and there is CMSIS-DAP
2021-07-15 9:17 AM
You might check whether Bl*ckM*gic probe suits your needs:
(replace '*' by 'a')
2021-07-16 4:30 AM
Guys, thank you very much for your answers.
So far, the information does not look inspiring.
I think, at this moment, the best solution is to remain with external ST-Link.
Hoping, it will change somewhere in the future.