2024-12-15 04:25 AM
Has anyone connected a STM32 Nucleo board to Qorvo DWM3000EVB arduino shield and configured properly? In qorvo website they have given a cube IDE project but it has been designed for a STM32F429 Nucleo board. How can i modify that project for my stm32 board or how to use given drivers for uwb module to start a new stm32 project configured for my stm32 board?
Thanks in Advance !!
2024-12-15 06:28 AM
Dupe https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-products/nucleo-f756zg-with-qorvo-dwm3000/m-p/753838#M268715
2024-12-15 06:33 AM
Enumerate here the pins/peripherals used on the F429.
Link to the project on Github