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Powering NUCLEO-H743ZI2 with User USB?

Associate III

I'm currently working on a project involving a NUCLEO-H743ZI2 board.

I want to know if it's possible to power the board with User USB instead of ST-Link USB.

Or if it's possible to transfer data using ST-Link USB and use User USB for debugging.

Thank you in advance!

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Frankly I've never tried this)) A common ground is needed. But there's the 5V power.

It's almost a joke... I don't know how the other side will react, especially with a USB C.

Associate III

@pavel A.​ @Nikita91​ @FLeon.4​ @Rodo​ 

I found the board NUCLEO-H743ZI2 can be powered by the user usb automatically.

First, I need to connect both ST-Link USB and User USB to two USB ports.

Then, I can just unplug the ST-Link USB and the board is still running.

Not sure why.

I also attached a image below. As you can see, the LED lights are on and ST-Link usb(black) is unplugged


The trick is let ST-Link USB power the board first then switch to User USB by unpluging the ST-Link USB.

I'm not sure this functionality is mentioned on the user manual.

Is there a way to make the board boot up from User USB?


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

> Is there a way to make the board boot up from User USB?

Now we are back to square one.

Hello again,

What do you mean by "square one"?

Return to the question at the beginning of this post.

The 1st step of the game...