2022-12-04 2:32 PM
I have a NUCLEO-L432KC like the title says and I want to power it from an external source. I am using the ST-Link debugger as an 8mhz clock input, and when the st-link is not powered it pulls the RST pin low and I don't get my 8mhz clock input. I have a 5v power supply going into the 5v pin. SB1 and SB17 are bridged. I am open to suggestions and alternate options.
2022-12-04 3:02 PM
Update the ST-LINK firmware and read my post there:
2022-12-04 8:02 PM
Ok so I updated the st-link firmware, and the NRST pin is now high if the st-link is powered via usb. Is that 100ms hse timeout configurable? I just feel like I don't understand the problem well enough to ask an intelligent question.
2022-12-05 5:51 AM
I think now I am starting to understand the 2 second delay after I hooked up a logic analyzer:So if I could just figure out how to delay the hse timeout it could work.
2022-12-05 6:07 AM
That post was with basically a dumb usb power and this capture is a usb host:
This one has about half a second delay
2022-12-05 7:23 AM
Changing the HSE timeout doesn't make a difference. How would a person debug this problem?
2022-12-05 7:41 AM
So here is another capture. The CPU is getting reset after the ST-link starts sending a clock pulse. That doesn't make any sense to me then why it is not booting up. Any thoughts?
2022-12-05 10:13 AM
I figured out why it wasn't starting when it gets plugged in. You have to put
in preprocessor definitions. The catch with it is that you don't want to use it while debugging because the debugger doesn't have full controll with that enabled. I am using Crossworks for arm, so I don't know if it is the same for other IDEs. Now I just have to figure out how to power the st-link from the 5v pin.