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Nucleo C031C6 Virtual COM Port problem

Associate III

I am working on the Nucleo C031C6 and struggling to use the virtual com port. The datasheet says that the virtual com port is connected to PA3 and PA2, so I want to send data to my computer with USART2. Unfortunately, I do not understand why the pins allocated are orange, and I can't access usart 2: it is in grey and permanently disabled. I do not get the problem


Capture d’écran 2024-12-07 à 12.46.09.pngimage.png





Chief III

You require init right way


i click this and all is green


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Pins colored orange mean that the pins are assigned a function, but the corresponding component is not enabled in the left side (Categories). In your case the USART2 is not enabled or not in the correct mode. Same about the debugger pins.

ST Employee

Attache is NUCLEO-C031C6 ioc file.