2020-09-14 6:52 AM
I am using STM32VL discovery board, when I try to program the board its showing this message.
I have install the st-link USB drivers
The ST link upgrade software is detecting the ST link.
2020-09-14 6:55 AM
The VL Discovery uses a very old ST-LINK implementation that ST has deprecated many years ago. I wouldn't expect to see support in current releases. Use drivers which are contemporaneous with the hardware.
2020-09-14 7:19 AM
The VL discovery board embeds an Stlink V1.
STM32CubeIde doesn't support Stlink V1.
So, you can create a project but won't be able to debug it with STlink.
2020-09-14 10:33 AM
Thank you for the reply, Can please suggest me any latest discovery boards, which has M3 or M4 architecture microelectronic, I'm a Novice player here, very keen to learn and explore. I would be grateful if you could help me with the requested information.
2020-09-15 8:00 AM
There are plenty of discovery or nucleo boards.
You can start a new STM32 project and select board selector and then select discovery in the type and then selecting a family, you will see all the discovery boards available.
2020-09-15 8:41 AM
Lot of options, depends what features you want and how much you want to spend.
Some of the smaller NUCLEO boards run $10 USD, with the larger ones $20 - 30 USD
The DISCO boards typically add combinations of memory, screens, SD Cards, etc. but do so at the expense of usable pins.
The availability of a Arduino shield socket allows for some level of expansion or interfacing.
For a CM4 series, I'd probably suggest some L4 or G4 series at this point.