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Is the electrical schematic of STM32F746G-DISCO is changed w.r.t. legacy STM32F746G-DISCO?

Associate II

We have developed an application with legacy STM32F746G-DISCO.

Recently we purchased more STM32F746G-DISCO.

Although newly purchased STM32F746G-DISCO looks exactly same there are few changes as below

-1 The color of leaflet is Yellow ( vs sky-blue )

-2 CN6 Pin 1 was NC ( reserved ) earlier. Now its 5V

-3 Pin 5 & 6 of CN5 were earlier PF7, PF6 respectively. Now they are PF7/PB9 , PF6/PB8

-4 Pin 8 of CN7 was AVDD earlier now its AVDD/+VREF

We tried searching new schematics for STM32F746G-DISCO. But they are no where available.

Kindly suggest how to obtain the new schematics for new STM32F746G-DISCO along with its version history.

I have attached the leaflet comparison of old vs new leaflet pin map for comparison.


Thanks, Amel.


Associate II

Dear All,

I tried changing solder bridges by making below connecytions





Still no luck. The test firmware still not working with new board & its perfectly working with old board.

For more information, I am attaching comparison of marking labels on New Vs Old DISCO board.

Please suggest

Chief II

What makes you so sure the problem is not in the firmware? The fact that it's working on the older board, still doesn't prove anything. Does it use HAL/Cube code? If so, it's broken!

They both claim to be C01 revision boards

Expect you'll need to debug the code, understand the specific issues there, and then relate those to the circuit as you trace it out, and compare to the schematic

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Associate II

If I flash the same firmware in 2 boards ( 1 new , 1 old ) and test one by one, old one works and new board doesn't so its obvious that only change is the new board

Could be a component or BOM level issue.


H​owever "not working" is hard to diagnose without more specific detail.


Don't you have the source, can't you debug or instrument to focus on the specific reason for failure?

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That is a wrong assumption. Because of minor differences of some voltage, capacitance, temperature etc. some frequency and timing can change. As a result a broken code can work in one case, but fail in other case.