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Im trying to flash first program into STM32U575ZIT. For some reason I m getting the next error: stm32 failed to start GDB server error in initializing st-link device REASON:no device found . I updated the ST-LINK and still not working.

tried to update the ST-LINK with the cubeIDE after that with the ST-LINK TOOL and at the end I tried to install the latest driver with device manager .

the STM32U575ZIT is pack fresh .



Is this a nucleo board?

Does STM32CubeProgrammer connect?

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yes and yes

Chief II

Show schematics how you connect your ST-LINK

yes, and yes....

0693W00000HoJF3QAN.pngA picture of how I connected it

for some reason led 1 to 3 are blinking in order from 1 to 3

The debug tools are not super consistent. If STM32CubeProgrammer works, your hardware connection is fine.

Power cycle the board and try again. Try rebooting your system. Yes I know it's annoying.

There may be something STM32U5 specific here, but I also see odd behavior like this with other families occasionally in STM32CubeIDE.

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Chief II

Version CubeIDE ? GDBserver version? Try switch to othet debuger in IDE config, setup support for debug low power modes , connect under reset ...

boards is released with blinky project loaded

And for normal use with stlink power connect isnt necesary

Too your connected wires if use SWDIO pins can block Stlink to work.