2022-02-16 2:21 PM
2022-02-16 3:09 PM
Sorry to hear that, is this a problem you're looking to share or solve?
What OS?
What JRE?
What version of ST-LINK, with what version of firmware?
Did it ever work?
File paths pointing to network drives you're no longer connected too?
2022-02-16 4:46 PM
> drone01 development board
This board does not appear to have an on-board programmer. Are you using an external one? Which one and how is it connected?
Does STM32CubeProgrammer open without anything connected?
2022-02-17 7:09 AM
I see this with a V2 up-to-date-with Programmer 2.9 under Ubuntu 18.04 LTS when the target processor (H7B3 in this case) can't immediately be grabbed by the ST-LINK. Click "Connect" and Programmer just crashes. It didn't used to work this way with older Programmer versions but ST helpfully inserted this bug in their never-ending rush to add features at the cost of reliability and robustness.
2022-02-17 1:48 PM
Im using the stm32 programmer with stlink and yes it will open without anything connected to it. I finally figured it out, had to do with the drone board. Thanks for the quick response
2022-02-17 1:55 PM
2022-02-17 3:07 PM
I finally figured it out but was running Linux mint 19.3 and latest version of st-stlink