2023-05-09 8:50 AM
2023-05-09 9:44 AM
I can help you. You can explain your design and requirements. And ask your question.
2023-05-10 8:35 AM
Thank you! The idea is to use a STM32F103C (it would be the core of a BluePill) to build a simple keyboard/joystick that communicate as an USB HID. The difficult part of this is that the project is price oriented, and so the final goal is to produce a pcb that it is cheap as possible. Can I upload here the schematics so you can tell me if it would work?
2023-05-11 11:11 AM
2023-05-18 7:47 AM
Mr AKuma, I have uploaded the pdf. Would you rather have uploaded a picture of the scheme?
I really would like to have your opinion.
2023-05-18 7:57 AM
Pull BOOT0 LOW normally, provide means to change for programming via System Loader, add some decoupling capacitors.
Provide some methods for debugging programming.
Avoid use of PA13/PA14 so the debugger can use.
Consider USART1 PA9/PA10 programming, or debug output, see AN2606
2023-05-19 2:25 PM
2023-05-24 5:19 PM
Please bear with my ignorance in this sector. I really would like to have an opinion on this circuit and I am doing my best.
2023-06-05 5:13 PM
I am sorry, I need more information.
In the schematics decoupling has been provided with capacitor C3. The Pin PA13/14 have been freed (Previously it was used according to an example i found with a Bluepill on youtube). I am not really sure if I need to add a transistor on DP line of STM32 as pictured on AN2606.
Please give me more suggestions.