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How to do the pin connections for STM32L476RGT6U on PCB so that a program can be uploaded?

Associate II

I'm trying to mount STM32L476RGT6U on pcb. I want to upload program using IDE to the controller on the pcb. Please advice me the suitable connection diagram to fullfill this particular requirement.​

Associate II


Associate II

Is there any way I can use I2C to upload the program into MCU?

Thanks, TDK. I have followed AN2606 (Page329/417, Table. 133) and understood the I2C connection procedure. I have modified the circuit, it would be very helpful if you kindly verify and let me know whether that is correct or not. As per your advice, I'll go for PCB fabrication.


Your idea isnt simple, you need hw and sw for use this I2C bootloader mode and too you need control boot mode pin and not connect it to GND.

Too your schematics with crystals is only for special use. Simple schematics dont use it and setup internal oscilators.

Pls use first this NUCLEO-L476RG - STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32L476RG MCU, supports Arduino and ST morpho connectivity - STMicroelectronics and learn howto connect on real func design.

I have modified it. Now BOOT0 is connected to VDD to upload the program through UART. Secondly UART pins are connected to Tx and Rx. The BOOT 0 pin can be connected to VDD via jumper wire only when the program is intended to be uploaded otherwise It wont be uploaded. That is the idea. I have seen the document and found this conclusion. Please see the attachment. 0693W00000FAhvPQAT.jpg0693W00000FAhuCQAT.jpg

Let me know is it ok right now.

It will be beneficial for me if you mention the portion you are indicating rather than just pasting the document link. I have followed the reference manuals already, so mention which portion of the manual you want me to understand and implement. I'm attaching the file that I have used for the reference connection mentioned in the document link you have mentioned (MB1136).0693W00000FAhwxQAD.jpg 


Chief II

Page 60 datasheet

3.37.1 Serial wire JTAG debug port (SWJ-DP) The Arm® SWJ-DP interface is embedded, and is a combined JTAG and serial wire debug port that enables either a serial wire debug or a JTAG probe to be connected to the target. Debug is performed using 2 pins only instead of 5 required by the JTAG (JTAG pins could be re-use as GPIO with alternate function): the JTAG TMS and TCK pins are shared with SWDIO and SWCLK, respectively, and a specific sequence on the TMS pin is used to switch between JTAG-DP and SW-DP.

Reply for your primary question how load to MCU is place pinheader to your schematics 4pin on your image : NRST , TMS(PA13) , GND, TCK(PA14)

And you can use without complicated bootloders and uart. You connect this 4 wires to STLINKvx pinheader and programmer into USB.