2024-04-09 12:31 AM
for a DIY project including LoRa ra-02, MPU6050 and NEO-6M i have purchased some Blue pills from a vendor but it turned out they are fake blue pills (STM32F103C6).
I am trying to make a RC, so i have a Transmitter which needs 2xSPIs (one for LoRa and one for a TFT Display).
The fake blue pills i have, they do have only 1x SPI therefore i have decieded to design my own Board.
Requirement for the Transmitter:
2xSPIs (LoRa and TFT)
5 channels ADC
For the Receiver:
1xSPI (LoRa)
1xI2C (MPU6050)
1xADC (Battery voltage monitoring)
I have searched on the net for a schematic of the Blue pill and found so many but no one with a BOM so i can select the right Materials.
E.g. for the HSE ocsi, there are many 8MHz osci out there but how should i know which one is the right one for my Board.
Is there any form ST hardware design reference or something like that so i can benefit from?
2024-04-09 01:20 AM
@hamo wrote:Is there any form ST hardware design reference or something like that so i can benefit from?
Why, yes - there is!
On the specific question of oscillators:
See also:
You should go to the Product Page for the chip you intend to use, and look on the 'Documents' tab - that will list all the available Application Notes, etc; eg,
You can also look at the schematics of ST's boards - go to the Product Page for the board, and look under 'CAD Resources'; eg,
2024-04-09 01:29 AM
Before designing a custom board - especially as a novice - I would very strongly recommend that you prototype & prove your design on an ST board first.
@hamo wrote:I am trying to make a RC
A what?
@hamo wrote:i have a Transmitter which needs 2xSPIs (one for LoRa and one for a TFT Display)
Can't they share one SPI?
The whole point of a bus like SPI is that it can be shared by multiple devices.
2024-04-09 01:43 AM
Thank you for the reply.
I have already proved on a breadboard and everything is working.
RC = Radio Controller.
I do not want to share the same SPI between LoRa and TFT on purpose.
Sharing one SPI bus may affect the LoRa sensitivity (i think).
2024-04-09 01:51 AM
@hamo wrote:Sharing one SPI bus may affect the LoRa sensitivity (i think).
It's just a digital control interface - the LoRa transceiver neither knows nor cares what else is on the bus, surely?
2024-04-09 01:55 AM
I would prove that on a Breadboard.
Would it make a difference if use SPI with DMA?
2024-04-09 02:00 AM
Again, the transceiver neither knows nor cares what is driving the SPI bus - so, as long as you keep within the slave's specifications, it will work.
Beware that solderless breadboards don't have great electrical characteristics - so the issue might no be so much about sharing an SPI per se as about the breadboard wiring ...
2024-04-09 02:05 AM
Ok, then you suggest i should make a prototype and then prove it.
I think that would be a good idea.
2024-04-09 02:27 AM
It is, of course, possible that the 2 devices might not "play nice" together - but they should.