2020-03-27 10:17 PM
I am working on STM32F407VGT6 DISCOVERY BOARD , here i want to place a coin cell battery and my doubt is, does the board contain an external super capacitor and where can i design a coin cell battery.......please help me to sort out this problem
2020-03-31 12:24 AM
Not sure you'll get an answer to this one,
"does the board contain an external super capacitor" is a bit of an oxymoron.
Plus, this board requires a 5V power supply, and as far as I know most coin cell batteries are 1.5 or 3V.
Do you have an EE in your team ?
2020-03-31 1:59 AM
Maybe @Anu wants to power the RTC and/or backup SRAM from the coin cell, through the VBAT pin... but it's upon him/her to explain what exactly are the requirements.
2020-03-31 2:09 AM
I think a look at the schematics should reveal the answer - no, there is no super capacitor at the original F4 discovery board.
And it would be useful for adding the coin cell (identifying/checking the pins).
I suppose it is clear to the OP that the board cannot be powered by the coin cell, it is only for RTC/backup RAM.