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Can't connect to J-Link debugger / Nucleo 466

Associate III

I'm trying to run/debug my code on a Nucleo with STM32F466 via the SWD interface using a J-Link debugger. Unfortunately this always ends up with a message

Could not connect to target.

Please check power, connection and settings.

Trying to connect to the debugger/the board using an other IDE brings up some more information: here I'm getting an error message of the target having no power.

Now when I measure the SWD-interface (CN4), I find the error message is correct: there is no power at the CN4-pins 1 (VDD) and 3 (GND). So what is missing here? Do I need to set one of the jumpers to get the SWD interface powered properly?

As described in the manual, the two jumpers at CNs have been removed, the Nucelo-board itself is powered via USB.


Someone who could read schematics at least.

The board is designed as a cheap debugger that can be broken off.

You can actually upgrade the firmware on the ST-LINK to run a J-LINK OB firmware.

The board was designed to be self-standing, in that both debugger and target are connected and functional out-of-the-box.

It was designed to be cheap breakout board, not a full feature evaluation with third-party debugger connectors, trace, etc.

Your problem is you want to drive the wrong way down a one-way street, and complaining that all the other drivers are honking and flashing their lights at you.

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