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Associate II

Hello everyone,

Is there an example project available to make the ST25R95 on the X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1 shield work with the NUCLEO-G071RB?

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check that your stack size is big enough (the map file should provide some information regarding the stack depth). Try to set 4K for the stack if you do not find information in the map file.



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ST Employee


the existing demos with  X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1 are ready for NUCLEO-L476RG, NUCLEOF401RE or NUCLEO-F103RB. So some extra effort will be needed to support NUCLEO-G071RB.

  1. download the ST25 embedded NFC library
  2. use STM32CubeMX to generate the initialization of the various interfaces (SPI, LEDs, ST25R95 IRQ_IN and IRQ_OUT) and the main.c skeleton (I've attached the ioc file used on NUCLEO-L476RG, this should help you)
  3. Import the middleware files (rfal_*.c, ndef_*.c from Middlewares/ST/RFAL and Middlewares/ST/NDEF) into your project, import the driver (st25r95*.c from Middlewares/ST/RFAL/st25r95 and logger.c and timer.c from Drivers/BSP/Components)
  4. Import the ndef demo application (ndef_*.c from Common/Src/)
  5. copy the rfal_platform.h from the ndef_rw demo into your project
  6. from main.c provided in the ndef_rw demo, add the missing include files in your main.c and copy from  logUsartInit(&hlogger); up to the end of the while 1 loop



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Hi Brian,

I’ve been trying to implement it directly on my nRF52832 microcontroller, but it’s not working as expected. I followed the steps from your previous reply. Do you have any idea where the issue might be?

The code is provided in the attachments.

Thanks for your help!

Have you got it going on one of the ready-to-go demos which @Brian TIDAL listed?

It's always good to have a working reference when porting ...


@thompeters2004 wrote:

it’s not working as expected.

So what is it doing ?

How does this differ from what you expected ?

What investigation / testing / debugging have you done to find what's going wrong ?

Hi Andrew,

I'm encountering multiple linker errors from the library, even though I've included everything in my CMakeLists.txt and attached all the necessary header files. I've included the errors in the attached .txt file. I'm not sure what I’m doing wrong, as I’ve followed all the steps outlined in the documentation.

Could you please help me identify the issue?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,


@thompeters2004 wrote:

I'm encountering multiple linker errors  

So when you said, "not working as expected", you mean it's not even building?


@thompeters2004 wrote:

I've included the errors in the attached .txt file.

That's using Zephyr - Is that the nRF code?

Again, I'd recommend that you get it working on an ST board first - so that you have a working reference.

I know nothing about setting up a Zephyr project. Maybe the Nordic forum can help you with that?


make sure to have rfal_rfst25r95.c file being in your build. The various missing references during the link all belong to this file.



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Hi BT,

The project compiles now, and I’m running the NDEF example as described above. However, I'm encountering an issue with the initialization of the ST25R95. The logic analyzer data appears to be fine to me, including the setup with the timing on the IRQ_IN pins and the data sent to the chip. Unfortunately, I’m not receiving any data back from the ST25R95.

I've attached some pictures from my logic analyzer for your reference. Could you please help me figure out what might be going wrong?

This is where the IRQ_IN sequence starts:


Here comes the reset command:


Here comes the Echo command:


And the read command but no data coming back:






good to see that your project is now linking. I had a look to the screenshot. The SPI CS-chip select (or SS or CE) is wrongly managed.  The CS has to stay low during the whole transmission of a given command frame:




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Hi BT,

Thank you for your help! I'm now receiving data back. However, when running the polling demo, I encounter an issue: the UID appears correctly on the logic analyzer, but it does not show up in the terminal. Instead, I see "NULL."

Here is the message I'm receiving:

NFCA Passive ISO-DEP device found. UID: (null)
Select NDEF Application: OK Data: (null)
Select CC: OK Data: (null)
Read CC: OK Data: (null)

I've attached the logic analyzer data for your reference.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!