2014-01-23 2:23 AM
I'm trying to achieve the maximum reading range from my demoboard CR95HF-A with a ISO 15693 tag (LRi2K). Until now I've obtained best results with modulation-index 10% and gain 34dB by writing 0x50 to ARC_B register: only 5 cm. Can I improve this result? How Can I increse the antenna current? Thanks in advance. #range #lri2k #lri2k #lri2k #lri2k #lri2k #demo-cr95hf-a #cr95hf-firmware #cr95hfSolved! Go to Solution.
2014-02-14 9:01 AM
The M24LR-Discovery demo has arrived. For what is concerning to the CR95HF board, I'm achieving the same results. So I've decided to go further.
Where I can found the firmware source code for the SM32F103 of CR95HF board? It will be very usefull to start my own development. Thanks2014-03-04 8:34 AM
# and then in tab ''tools & software'' Have a nice day, ST NFC/RFID Dynamic tag e2e support2014-04-01 9:18 AM
I have the same question , which solution / reader chipset / reference design that the rang of LRI2K can reach about 1m as the presentation ? Or do you have any demostration video clip ? In case of NDA require , pls let me know , my company can sign it.2014-04-09 9:39 AM
I advise you to contact our partner it depends of your whole system, how you use it. and for such a read range, of course it is need to think to big power reader with big antenna. Have a nice day, thanks, ST NFC/RFID dynamic tag support