2017-04-04 8:31 AM
I am trying to use the STEVAL-PCC009V2 & EVAL6470H boards using the SPIN
Family Evaluation Tool (Version 3.2)
However when I try to connect to the board I get the following error:
I have managed to locate the below hex file at the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\SPINFamily Evaluation Tool 3.2\Firmware
I have tried to download the hex file below onto the board using Keil uVision but I am getting the following error in the Build Output.
It should be noted that I was able get older versions of the SPINFamily Evaluation Tool to work.
If anyone has any solutions to this problem or has a link to Version 3 of the Evaluation Tool I would greatly appreciate it.
Kind Regards,
Ernest Cooke
#dspin #pcc009v2-eval6470h-spinfamily #dspin-gui #powerstep01 #keil-uvision2017-04-07 5:31 AM
Hello Ernest,
I have no expertise in uVision, but you can try update the PCC009V2 board using the 'IBUUI Updater' tool you can fin in the SPINFamily folder.
If this procedure is not available (it is firmware based, I don't know if your attempt to update the firmware through uVision corrupted the flash) and you have a ST-LINK, you can use the STM32 ST-LINK Utility to write the .hex file into the MCU.
2017-04-07 8:46 AM
Hi Enrico,
Thank you very much for your response!
I tried to update the board using the ?IBUUI Updater? tool and I got through the first three steps as shown below. However, the program crashes when it gets to the next stage (Switch to DFU mode) and it doesn?t go any further in updating the board.
IBUUI Board Updater - Stuck at 'Switch to DFU mode'
I then tried to update the code through the ST-LINK Utility. However I was unable to connect to the board. I got the errors shown below.
STM32 ST-LINK ? Connect to the target
STM32 ST-LINK ? Settings
Updating the firmware through Keil µVision has not corrupted the flash on the STEVAL board because I can still download the older version of the hex file and use the older version of the SPINFamily Evaluation Tool.
2017-04-07 9:32 AM
Hi Ernest,
The PCC009V2 is not a STLINK itself! You should connect a STLINK programmer to the 20 poles connector of the board. You can also use a Nucleo board as programmer, but in this case you have to wire the SWD lines by yourself.
Maybe it is the same method you already tried, but I found this on Keil website:
2017-04-07 10:10 AM
Hi Enrico,
This is the current hardware setup I have. I have connected the 20 pin Keil U-Link ME connector to the 20 pole connector (J3) and a USB mini cable to connector J4 on the STEVAL board. What changes do I need to make for your solution above?
Thanks for the User Guide link as well. I was actually following that method anyway for downloading the Hex File through Keil uVision.
2017-04-10 2:25 AM
It looks of from the hardware point of view.
Please, try the attached S19/HEX instead. They are directly extracted from the DFU file.
________________ Attachments : fwpsin_pcc009v2_FWV2_7_00.hex.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyWw&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bBV%2Ffd.Z6AeTN9aTWYJ6cZQ9.IJCWvgVc0SdMR3qbJ5iHFI&asPdf=falsefwpsin_pcc009v2_FWV2_7_00.s19.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hyic&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bBS%2FvzB.E74axSZrsyb5863SMv2198EYKdR2QsCS7pc5wds&asPdf=false2017-04-10 4:30 AM
Hi Enrico,
I tried the updated hex file which you sent to me this morning and the good news is that it worked perfectly when I downloaded it through Keil uVision. Its a great start to the week.
Thanks very much for the help!
Kind Regards,
2017-04-10 4:35 AM
Glad to know you are ready to work with the SPINFamily tool.
2018-11-15 10:17 AM
Hi, I've a similar trouble, but the IBUUI updater in my case (WinXP Pro SP3) crash on a missing DLL (setupapi that is still into the folder) and I'm unable to perform the sw upgrade of the firmware board to the 2.7 release.
Tomorrow I'll get a ST-LINK/V2 JTAG programmer, can I try to program the hex file directly by means of the ST-LINK/V2 tool directly connected to the steval-pcc009v2 board through the J3 connector?
I'm also a little confused about the upgrading firmware guide concerning the IBUUI on Win7 system because this guide talk about the JTAG and also discovery board... and seems that I've to use the ST-LINK/V2 and the discovery board attached to steval-pcc009v2 at the same time... could you please clarify me a little bit also about this point?
Best regards.
2018-11-22 3:26 AM
Hi All,
I've succesfully updated the STEVAL-PCC009V2 board with the latest firmware fwpsin_pcc009v2_FWV2_7.hex and the ST-Link/v2 JTAG adapter, simply connect the programmer module to the STEVAL-PCC009V2 board, connect either to some free USB port then launch the STM32 ST-LINK Utility (search for STSW-LINK004 on the ST site).
Now simply Connect to the target, load the firmware and the make the Program and Verify option all is done in a few seconds. Now detach from the target and close the programming application.
Detach the JTAG cable on the STEVAL-PCC009V2 board and launch the SPINFamily Evaluation Tool 3.2 now your board will be correctly managed and the firmware relase will be the latest v2.7.
Hope it help.
As a side note after this searching I've found same procedure steps at the end of the UM2022 (User Manual - SPINFamily evaluation tool) on page 80, §A.1.2 .
Best regards