2020-02-02 6:08 AM
I'm reading the datasheet of STMPiC1 and I wonder if there's a way to read the actual voltages and/or currents. Not the setpoint ( = control registers) but the real voltages at one moment.
2020-02-03 12:10 AM
no, STPMIC1 does not offer any voltage nor current measurement capabilities.
You can measure voltages/current using external component (e.g. external delta sigma V and I ADC connected to DFSDM of STM32MP15x, which is how it could be done for motor control) or voltage using STM32MP15x ADC (be careful to keep VIN in the required ranges).
Note that STM32MP15x already have internal ADC channels connected to VDDCORE and internal VrefInt (which could be indirectly used to measure VREF+ which is usually connected to VDDA or even VDD).