2020-02-03 01:51 AM
I am intern and I am trying to control stepper motor by IHM06A1 StSpin220 stepper motor using STM32F401RE. When motor is in rest mode then there is voltage drop and STSPIN220 is taking maximum current and voltage becomes half with any motor. I am not getting where current is going but there is no power issue when motor is in running mode. I read its schematic VMOD (motor power) is directly connected to STSPIN220 IC and there is no short circuit in between but even voltage becomes half. Power of stepper motor is giving according to its datasheet. IC will burn if any IC gets maximum current .
I attached video to understand my problem. I changed different STSIN220 but in that same problem I am facing even I changed stepper motor (used nema17 stepper motor).
Can anyone please tell me where am I doing mistake and how can I solve this problem.
please help me regarding this problem.
Best Regard