2016-08-22 9:31 AM
The EVLPOWERSTEP01 demo board has worked fine for one day.
Programming withSTEVAL-PCC009V2 INTERFACE BOARD BASED ON STM32 was quite difficult since STEP01 registers configuration often seems lost.
Now the STEP01 shorts 48V supply to GND.Maybe some register programming can destroy the STEP01; better if the programming can't burn the device this simple way. #powerstep012018-05-18 12:57 PM
Hi, I had exact the same. Just simple experimenting and I blew up my POWERSTEP01 on the evaluation board. Without a warning a melt down
2018-11-24 2:57 PM
Hi, I burn out my demo board also. It shorts A+ to Vin. The chips work fine, and ans the SPI, but when I turn the bridge on, it foes to hiz inmediately. Anyone knows if some of the registers are so critical to burn it? I use the board for a week without problem, ans suddenly it burn out. Thanks
2022-02-18 2:51 AM
Hi @Cristiana SCARAMEL ,
We are observing the same issue as in this channel:
Motor + HMI01A3 where working fine, we stopped them, turned all off and when we turned it on next day, nothing was working (same wiring, same configuration, ...).
UVLO flag is always on, avoiding current to be sent to motor. All is stuck in HiZ mode.
Do you have any idea about what happened? or how to make it work again ? (due to current semiconductor crisis there is none on sale ...)
2022-02-19 7:55 AM
2022-02-23 4:49 AM
Hi @BL,
please open a new topic with your application info.
In the meantime, you can start measuring whether all the supply voltages are correctly present.