2018-02-07 10:25 AM
I am new in this community so please excuse me if the question was already rises. In my application I am planning to use two stepper drivers L6470PD for different stepper motors but driven from the same MCU. Question is the following: Can I share among those two drivers status lines like: FLAG/BUSY/STCK/STBY/SW and by pulling low the CS line define which driver I wanted to use at this moment? Or I should treat the FLAG/BUSY/STCK/STBY/SW lines dedicated for each individual stepper driver. So in other words plan to use only 5GPIO for two drivers or 10GPIO pins on MCU.
Thank you very much in advance
#l64702018-02-08 2:17 AM
Hello, the L6470 is compatible with the daisy chain architecture allowing the MCU to drive multiple devices with a single SPI interface (refer to
for more detailed description).Concerning to the listed pins, a distinction must be made:
- the STCK, SW and STBY are input lines. If you connect together this pins both devices are driven with the same signal simultaneously.
- the FLAG and BUSY are open-drain output. You can connect them in 'OR' hardware. When the MCU detect a 'LOW' status you can use the SPI to identify the device that pulled low the GPIO.
2018-02-08 12:12 PM
Thank you very much for quick help. I am going to have two dedicated CS lines from MCU to determine which driver currently I wanted to use. Since I had luck to have some more spare GPIO lines I tide all lines from each drivers separately to each pins on MCU.