2020-04-15 6:23 AM
For a project I need to use SPIN3201 but it's required to be build with make. Therefore I wrote a makefile and when I try to compile the project, some functions are missing. I have found the function prototype in a .h file but I cannot found the function itself. The functions considered by this post are:
Can someone help me to find or write those functions?
2020-04-15 9:36 AM
If you have the standard MCSDK part of code is pre-compiled (and not available).
The functions above mentioned are present in the pre-compiled library in folder MCSDK_vx.y.z\MotorControl\lib
If you want the full code, you have to download the full version of X-CUBE-MCSDK-FUL
2020-04-15 11:53 PM
Thanks a lot for your fast answer. I want to try the full version but I have a problem when I try to fill the request form. The application field is an empty list and therefor I cannot select an option an send the form. Is that possible to have it by an other way?
2020-04-15 11:53 PM
Thanks a lot for your fast answer. I want to try the full version but I have a problem when I try to fill the request form. The application field is an empty list and therefor I cannot select an option an send the form. Is that possible to have it by an other way?
2020-04-16 1:42 AM
The only way to download the Full version is apply the online request.
I can only suggest to logout e re-login or try with a different browser.
Please check and let me know.
2020-04-16 2:03 AM
After restarting me browser it's work. Thanks a lot and sorry for the inconvenience.