2021-02-15 02:38 AM
Hello everyone,
I have a problem, to ensure GPIO initialisation after a wake-up from standby mode...
__HAL_PWR_CLEAR_FLAG(PWR_FLAG_SB); // clear du flag standby
HAL_PWR_DeInit(); // Réinitialise la configuration Power à zero
//init My GPIO but it dosen't works..
I have the same problem for my 3 GPIO pins, if someone have a idea ?
Thanks for reading.
2021-02-15 05:07 AM
Hello @Quentin_27 and welcome to the ST Community.
For a better support, could you share more information about the hardware you are using?
2021-03-04 12:47 AM
Hello @Quentin_27,
any update about your issue?
Are you using a standalone MCU or a System-In-Package with embedded microcontroller?
For a better support could you share the part number of your device?