2006-08-09 8:55 PM
2011-05-17 2:51 AM
Dear all, I am Drip.
Now i write code for upsd3434e's IrDA like follow: first set JP12 4�6 and 3�5, make UART1 work in IrDA TH2=0xFF; TL2=0x7E; RCAP2H=0xFF; // set baud rate 9600bps RCAP2L=0x7E; C_T2=0; TR2=1; PCON=0x3C; SCON1=0x50; P1SFS0|=0x0C; P1SFS1&=0xF3; IEA|=0x10; IPA|=0x10; IRDACON|=0x40; //IRDAEN=1, enable IRDA But why IrDA can not work well, i can receive byte send by PDA, but the content is wrong, but the num of receive byte is right. who can tell me why? I think maybe the baud rate is not the same, IrDA's is 9615, but PDA's is 9600, but i do not sure other is ok. who can help me ,thank you very much! :D :D :D