I developed a multi-port charger with multiple STUSB4710A and companion ST1S14PHR with the recommended bill of materials. The evaluation kit worked fine however my board does not work consistently. I read back the status register and detecting undervoltage.
uint8_t vbusStatus = readRegister(STUSB4710_I2C_ADDR, 0x10); // MONITORING_STATUS
Serial.println(":magnifying_glass_tilted_left: Checking VBUS Voltage Faults...");
if (vbusStatus & (1 << 0)) Serial.println(":warning: VBUS Overvoltage Detected!");
if (vbusStatus & (1 << 1)) Serial.println(":warning: VBUS Undervoltage Detected!");
if (vbusStatus & (1 << 2)) Serial.println(":warning: Power Good Fault!");