2009-08-17 3:45 AM
USB developer kit DFU example doesn't work
2011-05-17 12:50 AM
Currently I am developing USB bootloader for ST912FA.
My board - IAR STR912-SK, toolbox - IAR4.41 and JLink. At PC side I use DfuSe version 2.2 (Jan-2008). At STR912-SK side I use ''Device Firmware Upgrade'' example from ''STR7/STR9 USB developer kit software'' version 1.0 (Jan-2007). I configured STR9 to boot from BANK1 and loaded DFU example to BANK1. I launch DfuSe Demo and try to upgrade my board, DfuSe Demo says ''Upgrade successful!'', but verifying fails with error ''Matching not good. First difference at address 0x000003C0''. I read Flash from from address 0x80000 using SEGGER tools and found out that original data (.bin file which was used for creating .dfu file) and read data are almost identical but last 64 bytes of each kbyte of read data are set to 0x00: 0x3c0..0x3ff bytes set to 0x00, 0x7c0..0x7ff bytes set to 0x00, 0xbc0..0xbff bytes set to 0x00 and etc. I have tried several .dfu files, my own and from ''Device Firmware Upgrade'' example, but result was the same. Has anyone faced such a problem? Any suggestions? [ This message was edited by: tar.tib on 26-02-2008 23:38 ]2011-05-17 12:50 AM
I just tried the Device Firmware Upgrade example form um0290(V1.0) using IAR 4.42A/Jlink with STR912-SK board and it works as expected.
Do you have the same thing as attached image when trying to load for example the STR910-Eval_Audio Speaker.dfu image.2011-05-17 12:50 AM
Yes, I have the same image, but verifying completes with messagebox ''Matching not good. First difference at address 0x000003C0''.
2011-05-17 12:50 AM
Very strange thing, I tried the same sequence on another PC and it works perfect.
2011-05-17 12:50 AM
Hi ! This DfUse application comes with a button to Enter DFU mode/ HID detach and leave DFU mode. Does anyone have a example of a HID firmware with DFU support, I mean a HID/DFU compliant device?
2011-05-17 12:50 AM
I have a smiliar problem, it fails when i want to verify the firmware upgrade. I really need help to upgrade firmware by using dfu.
I am using Keil RVMDK and the device is STR912FW44. Operating system is Win XP SP3. Thanks and Regards... [ This message was edited by: ozenozkaya on 17-08-2009 16:19 ]