2008-03-23 9:19 AM
Watchdog with clock source = rtc causes
2011-05-17 12:50 AM
The code below causes my STR912FAW44X6 to crash (JTAG not responding) and the next upload fails with ''unable to halt ARM core''...
The crash occurs during the write to WDG->CR in WDG_TimerModeCmd(ENABLE); Crash does NOT occur if I use ClockSource_Apb. Any ideas ? Steph void main ( void ) { WDG_InitTypeDef WDG_InitStructure; SCU_MCLKSourceConfig(SCU_MCLK_OSC); SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__RTC,ENABLE); SCU_APBPeriphReset(__RTC,DISABLE); // uSec = ((Prescaler+1) * Preload * Tclk)/1000 // Using 32kHz RTC clock, (10 * 31250 * 32000)/1000 = 10000000 us SCU_APBPeriphClockConfig(__WDG, ENABLE); WDG_DeInit(); WDG_InitStructure.WDG_Preload = 31250; WDG_InitStructure.WDG_Prescaler = 10; WDG_InitStructure.WDG_ClockSource=WDG_ClockSource_Rtc; WDG_Init(&WDG_InitStructure); WDG_TimerModeCmd(ENABLE); }2011-05-17 12:50 AM
I'm having a similar problem. It seems occasionally, when I call WDG_TimerModeCmd(ENABLE) within 100 microseconds after reading from the GPIOs and/or the ADCs, the processor hangs within a few milliseconds after that. I can't be any more precise than that, since it is very tricky to debug watchdog failures -- I can't use JTAG!
I would be interested if this is a new errata or if there is any news on this.