2008-09-24 1:20 AM
Ulta 09 LTCSR TBF being cleared
2008-06-12 11:58 PM
Hi I am using and ST7 Flite Ultra 09
I am using ''bset LTCSR,#WDGD'' to reset the Watchdog in my main loop This seems to be clearing the Interupt flag, does a ''bset'' command have the same affect as a read. If so whats the solution to resetting the watchdog? Re B [ This message was edited by: BrianM on 13-06-2008 12:34 ]2008-09-23 1:32 AM
Anybody help with this please.... Re Brian2008-09-24 1:20 AM
BSET LTCSR,#WDGD is equal to the following instructions: LD A,LTCSR OR A,#$01 LD LTCSR,A For this reason, the first instruction clears the Timebase Interrupt Flag. The only way to delay the watchdog action without losing the Timebase Interrupt is: LD A,#%10010011 ;enables Input Capture and Timebase Interrupts too LD LTCSR,A According to the datasheet, the Input Capture and Timebase flags should remain unchanged. Regards EtaPhi