2005-01-12 8:51 PM
2005-01-10 9:02 AM
My customer is doing a design with the STPC Atlas and is using the utility programSTPCVGA. It looks like they can use it to set up the TFT interface to test out settings before incorporating them into my BIOS. They have a question regarding the syntax required when trying to enter data. They are using the TFT setup utilities and are not able to enter any data that will be accepted by the program. They get two errors. The first one is “StringError : ‘ value used’ :not a member. The second one is SringError: TFT.CPP:115 : Assertion failed. They have tried using the Mnemonic specified in table 5-1 of the programmers reference guide for a given TFT configuration register, this gives the not a member failure. They have tried using the full address specified ie: 084cc000 with the same result. Also, have tried using the offset ie: c000, with the same result and have tried using a desired value for example 0x54 for the horizontal front porch value, this gives the TFT.CPP:115 : Assertion failed error. I could not find a readme.txt or htm file that would give me some usage information on the STPCVGA utility, but did not find it.
Can you give me a document or something that would show me how to use this utility? It looks like a very useful program, but customer needs to know what the required entry values are to be able to use it. Also, do you guys have some generic setup values for the TFT configuration registers for a 640x480, 800x600, and a 1024x768 TFT? Thank you, Terry Parker STmicro Rep Colorado, USA :-]2005-01-11 4:47 AM
Please find attached the readme.txt file for the STPCVGA utility usage.
Regarding the TFT register setting, you can find these settings in the TFT datasheet or you download the vesa timings from vesa web site: www.vesa.org [ This message was edited by: coucou on 11-01-2005 18:19 ] ________________ Attachments : readme.txt : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtuF&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aYc%2FH_Yufu3fegEWETs3vne3uqRje7hqbxd3_HHB3vuXV24&asPdf=false2005-01-12 8:51 PM
Dear bugaloo,
I tried this program yesterday. Thanks for the hint! There are many ''assertion failed'', because it checks, if the parameters are useful. But this prevents entering the parameters, if you have to change many at the same time. I tried to boost Mode 2,3,7 to 1024x7. It is not possible to simply change only parameter over the full scale, because the snapshot in between will not show a picture. You habe to move syncs, and front/back porches a little bit, then correct witdth etc. to come around the assertions. You need serveral small steps to reach the destination. Sometimes increase the clock rate, to prevent your CRT from loosing sync. e.g. 25 -> 40 -> 65 MHz. I could not enter the TFT parameters, too. But it was possible to write to the BIOS Register Position 0h...0Ch like in the Bios with an other menu selection. After inserting the correct timings via the back door, it was possibe to access syncs etc. via the tool, to move the picture. Unfortunately the tft.c has a different order compared to the bios: unsigned short HWT..... [] = { 0x00, 0x0400, /* Input scan line active pixel count */ 0x01, 0x002E, /* Input scan line back porch delay -1 */ 0x02, 0x0008, /* Flat panel hsync width */ 0x03, 0x009D, /* Flat panel horizontal back porch -2 */ 0x04, 0x0400, /* Flat panel active pixel count */ 0x05, 0x000A, /* Flat panel minimum front porch -1 */ 0x06, 0x0005 /* Flat panel vsync width */ 0x07, 0x0029, /* Flat panel vertical back porch */ 0x08, 0x0300 /* Flat panel active line count */ 0x09, 0x0000, /* Set Flat panel interlace control */ 0x0a, 0x08FF, /* Set 10 KHz 50% duty cycle PWM (BIOS Position 0Ch) */ 0x0c, 0x0, /* Set blank pixel red/green/blue values (BIOS 0A Low Byte) */ 0x0d, 0x0 , /* Set blank pixel red/green/blue values BIOS 0A High Byte, but used for Clock-Index in BIOS!!! ), */ 0x0e, 0x0, /* Set blank pixel red/green/blue values BIOS 0xB Low Byte */ 0x0f, 0x99, /* set SYNC polarity control for LVDS (0x084CC014 bits 31:24) */ 0xff /* END */ }; Don't forget to set the clock rate in the real VGA Bios (e.g. 0x0F for 65 MHz) Attached is my first result for LVDS Display LTD104EA5S. Snycs might be weird for other displays, because this is a DE-Only display, but the picture is stable. The refresh rate is too low, but it works. Best regards Flipflop ________________ Attachments : XGAAtlas.rom : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HttD&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aYN%2FUkqkBXBLcmD.edz4haZrgp27qPQCmmdLR0jBCSXeH_A&asPdf=false2017-10-18 6:26 AM
Whe can i get STPCVGA - VGA/TFT Configuration tool for STPC
I need to edit vga bios for SM712 for tft 640x480.
Best regards