2003-04-16 6:18 PM
2003-04-08 10:00 PM
we re facing a problem in our project.whenever we program an eprom(IC ST62E20c) .our program runs correctly.But whenever we make the supply of & then again if we on the supply & try the program.The same hardware & same IC gives problem.again after some time.The program works well.
so It works sometimes & sometimes not. we also tested our hardware & connectors.But there is no problem. Is the problem with the IC? Can the Eprom IC give problem like this if it is erasred & programed lot of times???? -rinku2003-04-08 11:58 PM
Your problem sounds like it may be related to uninitialised RAM? The contents of the RAM is unknown at power-up. If you are relying on some value there, you may get unexpected results. I do know that a few people have had to program old Eprom parts a few time to get them to program successfully - although I don't think this is the problem. Simon2003-04-10 11:08 PM
I had this problem with ST62E20C when I've initialized the IOR register with the set or res command, you should do it with ld ior, a.
Or you have a problem with power-on-reset, then you have to use a capacity, which is bigger as 1mkF.2003-04-14 12:33 AM
I tried the ld Ior,a instruction(previously we used ldi ior,0ffh).We even reloaded the Watchdog registor after every zero crossing of supply.But now its showing another problem.It doesn't sense all the zero crossing interrupts.I'm also attaching the code with this.can u please tell me if any of the instructions is wrong?Even the timing constraints are not matching(which were matching previously). ZCD interrupt is at port PA0 and tacho feedback pulses interrupt is at port PB5. If u want I can also send u the detail flowchart of project . -rinku ________________ Attachments : zcd.st6 : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0Gv&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bX9%2FCn_.i3zem1fC4SukHxLBtypeW7ZS.5QKEJVJZW4hD4k&asPdf=falsezcd12.st6 : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0Je&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bXA%2FwgAx534bevRLEot4yQZDfl4TpXng18Uslwo7n2sCpro&asPdf=false2003-04-15 12:16 AM
Is it necessary to define all the registor adresses at the start of program???
I'm using RIDE software.so can I directly start the code without any registor declarations???? -rinku2003-04-16 5:48 AM
Using Ride, it is not mandatory to define the registers depending on the selected option. To enable automatic registers declaration check the box 'define symbols for the ST6 function registers' available in the menu Options>Project>MAST6>Source.
To get some source samples, I recommend you to download the ST6 Software Library package available on the web. In addition, the application note AN1369 provides some information on how to work with Ride. I had a look to your source code but the file is corruped. I did not notice big mistakes.2003-04-16 6:18 PM
I'm attaching my code again here.So can u please have a look at it and suggest some modifications?
actually the problem is with the reset I think.b'coz when we try using watchdog registor,the program works but it is not giving expected results.It misses 5 to 6 ZCD pulses.& even the pulse width of the triac triggering pulse is 4.8msec .while we are giving it as 400usec. without using watch dog we r getting all the timing constraints correct but the problem is that the program sometimes works when we switch ON and some times it wont work when we switch it on. so we can't proceed further till we get a solution out of this. so please help us. -rinku ________________ Attachments : project.txt : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0JZ&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bXB%2FRP8HvHHuaBasF.h43CWpaCW8TnAet_UjqdUY8Sxs82M&asPdf=false