Posted on May 09, 2003 at 07:31I don't understand your question, what would you like to know? The number of the reset-pin or the configuration of the hardware?
Posted on April 22, 2003 at 06:41Thank you for you help! That's the answers: 1. pb3-pb0 - data lines (D8-D5) pb7 - RS pb5 - RW pb6 - E 2. 16*2 3. 4 bit If it's possible, could you send the example connection of V+, GND and contrast, I'm not sure ...
Posted on April 17, 2003 at 12:05I'm trying to work with the HD44780-based LCD-module. When I'm using an emulator (Visual Micro Lab), it seems to be ok - there is such object in the program, so I can see the status of the LCD-module, it's initialize...
Posted on April 11, 2003 at 08:08I had this problem with ST62E20C when I've initialized the IOR register with the set or res command, you should do it with ld ior, a. Or you have a problem with power-on-reset, then you have to use a capacity, which ...