2005-05-14 5:37 PM
2005-05-14 5:37 PM
I was trying to reflash the back up compy of the flash back on tsop and when it reaches 99 it gives me an error saying unable to program at 7fffffch or something by the way i am trying to program it while its in system . Another thing I was trying to do was trying to erase the whole tsop and than reflash it with back up copy but whats going on is even after suppling 12Volts dc to RP point on tsop while its in system it is not erasing the the whole image how do I know that its not erasing the whole tsop is whenn procced to write the bakup it says flash bank not empty.. One more thing I tried was by deleting each sector 3x and it didn't work either. one more thing I tried was ddeleting address 7FFFFFAC and t wont allow it to erase I know what you might be tihng is that may beit not getting the 12 v but I ahev checked it over and over to make sure it is getting 12 and it is getting 12v can someone help m e ?? thanks